Dear straight women,
some torturous reason some of you; the ones who are not afraid of us or homophobic, find it necessary to test the waters of
Could it be that you are seeking attention, cruel, bored, looking for thrills or is it a type of power dynamics? Or could it be, testing the waters of attraction boasts your confidence, knowing that you can have anyone you want?
I am not implying that heterosexual women possess the power of the forbidden fruit; homosexual women do the same things mentioned above. Everyone has free will to resist temptation.
Temptation has a atomic way of making things blow up in your face but a mind can still wonder.
Could it be that you are seeking attention, cruel, bored, looking for thrills or is it a type of power dynamics? Or could it be, testing the waters of attraction boasts your confidence, knowing that you can have anyone you want?
I am not implying that heterosexual women possess the power of the forbidden fruit; homosexual women do the same things mentioned above. Everyone has free will to resist temptation.
Temptation has a atomic way of making things blow up in your face but a mind can still wonder.
remember reading Staceyann Chin article of why chasing straight women thrill me and
thought, how crude but at the same time, how hilarious the article was and accurate. This post is not as provoking,
straight women hardly ever interests me; I stay in my lane so to speak. I love women
who love women, full stop.
No, you are not doing an act of goodwill by leading us on. Some women go to the length of having lesbians falling head over heels for them paying their bills, take care of them financially, making future plans and all they receive in return are promises and lies knowing they have no interest in having a real relationship with a woman and even the thought of being with woman disgust them. I know two women that this have happened too.
This is not a rant; I’m simply saying here’s my ode
No, you are not doing an act of goodwill by leading us on. Some women go to the length of having lesbians falling head over heels for them paying their bills, take care of them financially, making future plans and all they receive in return are promises and lies knowing they have no interest in having a real relationship with a woman and even the thought of being with woman disgust them. I know two women that this have happened too.
This is not a rant; I’m simply saying here’s my ode
I must admit you are a work of art. The reaction that any man has towards you my reaction would equal; maybe more. Your confidence is always at 100% and you utilize your feminine charms effortlessly. I can safely say you are Eve’s apple; and what makes this problematic, is the fact that you can control so much of my emotions and I just want to say please, stop it. Who told you it was perfectly okay to pull your chair close to mine when the electricity went out and whisper in my ear, are you sleeping? Knowing you smell delectable. Who told you it was absolutely wonderful to call my phone sounding suggestive and then laughing it off like it's nothing. I am sure you think it’s adorable. Well, maybe. Stop trying to divert my attention. However, I will keep my subscription of hugs just because there are appreciated on any given day; see you don’t even make me think straight. You flirt too much and we both know you not are gay, sexually liberated; perhaps.
There’s just something about you!
You are the type of woman that clearly loves to have your ego stroked. You want to know what it feels like to be with a girl. I can’t explain it to you what it feels like to be with a woman because its indescribable, maybe you can go deep into your mind and think about how you feel when you are with a man, then multiply that emotion by ten; there you go, that's what it feels like. All those nights I lived through those engaging conversations and you stealing all my best compliments that could have been showered on someone more deserving.
Dear straight women you are not doing us any favours, support us in other ways, by being an allied for a positive cause instead of toying with us we are not test dummies.
What’s the harm in a little flirting? Nothing and everything.
But the next time there is a yearning to mislead the lesbian, here's a thought, buy a bottle puncheon, call one of your experimental straight girlfriends, get drunk and do what inquisitive straight women do, test each other limits.
I am not biting into any forbidden fruits.
We still appreciate you.
This post was for entertainment and should not be taken personally.
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